It's not every day that you decide that you might want to encapsulate your placenta, right? You're bound to have so many questions- how does placenta encapsulation work? What do I need to do or know? Here's your lowdown on the process:
1. Request an information pack
Your information pack is designed to guide you through the process. It includes FAQs for each stage (South Coast Placenta credentials and values, Booking, What you'll receive, Baby's arrival, & Delivery of remedies) It’ll help you to decide if placenta remedies are for you and will give you peace of mind that you know what happens and when. You can request an information pack in any of the following ways: - Completing the first form on the booking page, - Completing the contacts form - Emailing me at - DM ing me @southcoastplacenta with your email address on Facebook or Instagram
- Messaging or WhatsApping me on 07912 217219 with your email address.
2. Complete the booking form
If you decide that you'd like to go ahead then booking in is easy. Pop to the booking page, scroll down to the online booking form and fill out your details.
After you have completed the booking form you will be taken to the shop page where you can pay your £50 deposit by card. Time to get excited because you are now booked in!
3. Receive your storage kit
At around 36/37 weeks you’ll receive your storage kit with everything you need to house your placenta when the time comes. You'll receive instructions on how to use the kit along with two short videos.
4. Your baby & placenta are born!
The big day! Your baby arrives! Your birth partner will message me and I’ll come to collect your amazing placenta.
5. Receive your remedies
24-48hrs later and your capsules are ready. Time to reap the benefits! If you are local to me your remedies will be hand delivered to wherever you are whether that's in hospital or at home.
On hand for you
If at any stage in the process you have any questions whatsoever, I'm here to help. You'll have my email address and phone number- I'm only a call or message away. Happy booking!