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Placenta Remedies

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Placenta encapsulation

Placenta encapsulation (or placenta pills) are my most popular remedy. They offer a simple way to consume your placenta after birth (just like taking your own personal bespoke supplement) as well as giving you the option to continue feeling the benefits throughout that special fourth trimester. 

There are two types of pills to choose from- the Simple dried pills or Steamed pills. Both methods involve dehydrating, grinding and encapsulating however with the steamed method (loosely based on Traditional Chinese Medicine), the placenta is steamed over lemon, ginger and green chilli before dehydrating.

Placenta capsules in a jar

Simple dried method £210

Steamed method £210

With this method, there is no steaming process and so it is believed that more nutrients and hormones are retained. People who wish to increase their energy levels may benefit from these capsules more because simple dried capsules seem to yield a stronger energetic response. For this reason- we do not recommend that these capsules are taken at bedtime.

The placenta is considered a powerful, sacred medicine in China and has been documented as a healing medicine since 1578. People who are particularly wishing to reduce their chances of post-natal depression are likely to benefit from these capsules more, as they seem to have more calming effects though these effects are also seen with the Simple method.

Having trouble choosing your remedies? Visit this blog post for more information. Both methods seem to be comparable in terms of the benefits for example milk supply. The Placenta Remedies Network site can offer more information (and FAQs) on each method. Please feel free to contact me to discuss your options and talk about your particular situation. 

I also offer a 50/50 service, £260, whereby you can have half of your placenta processed using the simple method, and half using the steamed method. The pills from each method go into separate jars meaning that you can then select the pill each day according to your needs.

Please be aware that you can still choose other remedies alongside encapsulation, for example the longer term remedies and/or cosmetics.


"Kimberley!! Just a quick message to let you know how great I'm feeling... what an odd thing for a new mummy to say when sleeping just 5 hours in every 24! But I really do feel on cloud nine with lovely little Charlie, as well as feeling on top of life and ready for every new challenge, and I'm so certain it's down to my energy levels being replenished by the goodness of my capsules. I've upped the amount I am taking for the past three daysand I have really noticed a difference. I'm feeling a bit terrified about when they run out!! Just a message to pass on my thanks again. Such a wonderful treat. xxxx"

Message used with Mama's permission. Testimonial re 50/50 capsules.


Placenta smoothie 

Placenta smoothie

Made within 24hrs of birth, a placenta smoothie is made by using a small amount of placenta whizzed up with fresh berries, a banana and spring water. You CANNOT taste the placenta- just delicious berries! Because there is no heat processing involved, all the helpful hormones, stem cells and nutrients are retained, giving you a boost just when you need it. Mothers report much reduced post-partum bleeding after consuming a smoothie as well as having a boost of energy and their milk coming in very quickly.


You can either opt to have one smoothie made as an add-on to capsules) for £50 or you can have a smoothie package £150- giving you a fresh smoothie after birth alongside some smoothie packs for you to store in your freezer for you to take when you need them.

As with most of the remedies- smoothies can be combined with other remedies, so if you choose to have a smoothie, you can still have the rest of your placenta encapsulated (or made into other remedies) if you'd like to.


Longer term remedies

Stored correctly, the below remedies can last a lifetime, ensuring that you can continue to benefit from your placenta even when your capsules have run out. A message I often receive is: 'Help! My capsules have run out! Is there anything I can do?'  You can save 6 of your capsules to have a tincture made if you would like to. Often people who would not usually subscribe to this type of healing (and believe me I was one of them!) take this up after being so impressed with their capsules.

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Tincture 250ml £70      For support long after your capsules have run out      

As wonderful as motherhood/parenthood is, there will inevitably be those moments where we’d like a little extra support: wakeful nights, the return of our periods (and the ensuing hormones), unsettled/teething baby, the list goes on. Reach for your tincture in those moments for grounding and call in support from your tribe.


A tincture is lauded as a liquid form of your capsules and is a strong remedy made by steeping fresh placenta or stored placenta capsules over 6 weeks. The placenta tincture can be used for emotional, mental and psychological instability and may be very beneficial for treating PMS and menopause. This remedy can be considered a powerful life investment, particularly if this will be your last pregnancy, to put your placenta to use during life events in the future. You can order a tincture at the time of booking or can order one up to 6 months after the birth of your baby by sending back 5+ capsules. For more information, ask me for the Tincture FAQs document.

Suggested dosage: 10-40 drops in water two to three times a day during times of need. Not suited to daily ongoing use. Store in a cool, dry, dark place.


Homeopathic remedies £70

We can arrange for homeopathic placenta remedies to be prepared for both you and your baby using a small piece of your placenta. Our research and experience suggests homeopathic placenta remedies may help mothers with depression, baby blues and/or during times of emotional instability and/or separation. Your baby may also benefit from their placenta remedy treating colic, fussiness, crying, teething, and during times of growth and separation anxiety e.g. crawling, walking and weaning.
Your remedies will be sent directly to your home 2 weeks after birth in a 7c potency for baby and 30c potency for you or as otherwise requested. You will receive a Homeopathic Placenta Remedy Guide booklet upon delivery. 



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Facial Oil  (50ml) £15 alone or £35 with a 5ml pot of placenta infused oil

A rich facial oil massaged into the face and neck regularly can leave your skin looking and feeling fresh and smooth. This oil can also be used as cleanser – just massage into the skin for at least 60 seconds  then apply warm flannel or cloth to the face, wiping gently. Jojoba oil moisturises, nourishes and protects the skin and has a natural SPF5 further enhancing its skin caring benefits. Safflower is one of the highest natural sources of Oleic acid and therefore helps to rejuvenate damaged skin and provide a moisture shot for dry skin, so that even dry skin feels smooth. Sweet Almond is especially suited to dry, sensitive and irritated skin. It is softening, revitalising and nourishing to the skin. Evening Primrose and Rosehip oils are believed to be the best oils available for anti-ageing and skin rejuvenation.


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Organic Baby Balm     £7 (30ml)      £14 (100ml)

This balm is a staple in my house for me and my daughters' skin. A little bit goes a long way which is great because we use it for all skin- limbs, bottom, dry teething cheeks, cradle cap you name it! All natural ingredients, including soothing calendula oil, moisturising apricot kernel oil and shea butter combine to make a balm which can be used on you and baby (and indeed anyone else in the family.). As with all the South Coast Placenta cosmetics, there are no parabens, preservatives or any other added nasties.   


Placenta Infused Oil  £50  (50ml)

Your placenta infused in apricot kernel oil. Use on face or body skin, scars, dry skin.



Cord keepsakes are an opt out thing- i.e I tend to make them for everyone as a little complimentary gift (unless the cord has been cut too short) so let me know if you would prefer NOT to receive one.
With prints, I only tend to make one if you specifically request one. Please visit the keepsakes page for details of free keepsakes and optional paid for keepsakes.


A baby in a blanket holding a cord keepsake.
Placenta Print and love shaped umbilical cord keepsake
Placenta print made using the colours green and brown
A framed umbilical cord keepsake spelling out the word 'love' from South Coast Placenta

​South Coast Placenta. Proudly created with

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