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A postnatal plan can be a really good way to help that transition into parenthood, whether you’re having your first or 5th baby. In this digital download, we’ll look at the sorts of things that you could include on the food section of your plan. 


Planning and prepping 3 meals a day and snacks can be trying at the best of times but when you have a small person who needs you pretty much 24/7 it adds a whole new level, especially when you may now only have one free arm for much of the day.

We’ll look at a few practical tips to make sure that you have tasty, nutritious food easily available to you to help your recovery and just generally make your life easier.

Included are 5 pages including info pages, planning documents for you to make your own plan and notes as well as a resources page linking you to recipes, nutritionists and other food-related support. Happy planning!


**Please note that this is a digital product for you to print. You will not receive a paper copy.**

Planning for Postnatal - Food Digital Download

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